Scallops au gratin – recipe

Here’s an impressive dish sure to star on any holiday table from GialloZafferano; Italy’s number one food website.
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Welcome to the GialloZafferano kitchen. I’m Sonia and today we’ll be preparing a dish that would be a perfect addition to any Christmas dinner: Scallops au Gratin. Let’s see what we’ll need:
• 8 scallops in their shells
• 1 bunch of parsley
• ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
• Freshly ground black pepper • 1 cup of broth
• 2/3 of a cup of bread crumbs
• a quarter cup of grated parmesan cheese
• 2 cloves of garlic
Let’s see how to make them.
The first thing to do is to preheat your oven to 400F. Next, it’s time to prepare the mixture that will be used to stuff the scallops. In a bowl, add the breadcrumbs, the grated cheese, the parsley which should be minced along with the garlic, a bit of pepper, a pinch of salt and a bit of the olive oil. Don’t add all the oil, but save some for drizzling on top of the finished scallops. Mix it together. Now it’s time to add the broth. I said before that you should prepare a half cup of broth, but you’ll only need as much as will render the mix into a loose paste — not too dry nor too liquidy. You can monitor the quantity yourself according to how your breadcrumbs absorb the liquid. Remember that your breadcrumbs will continue to absorb the broth as the mix rests, and it could make the filling too dry. To stop this from happening, mix the first ladleful into the bread for a bit and then wait a bit to see if you need more broth. Keep on this way until you’ve reached the consistency you’ll need. It should look like this.
As you can see, I’ve been filling the scallops with the prepared mixture. I’ve made bases for baking the shells by cutting sheets of tin foil and rolling them into pieces of about 8 inches. Then, connect the ends into a ring. This will create a base that will keep the scallops horizontal while cooking and will prevent the filling from dripping out while it’s baking. Place the ring onto the sheet, and then place the shell into the ring. I’ll just fill this last scallop, and then the scallops are ready to be baked for about 15 minutes, or until the top of the filling is golden. But just before that, the last touch is a drizzle of oil.
Here are our delicious scallops au gratin ready to be eaten. From Sonia and GialloZafferano, Merry Christmas and see you next time!

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