Slow Cooker Kalua Pork Recipe! What’s for Dinner? Noreen’s Kitchen!

Greetings! A lucky find of pork shoulder for 99 cents a pound led me to prepare for this Mother’s day meal. This one is a forever favorite of my husband, who, upon discovering this delicacy on the buffet at the Main Street Station in Las Vegas, proceeded to nearly clear the pan!

This is a wonderful home, rendition of a classic Hawaiian/South Seas treat, Kalua Pig, or Kalua Pork. It is one of the amazing offerings that you get when you attend a traditional Luau. Although I have never had the pleasure of traveling to Hawaii, I can imagine that this may be a close second to the original, pit roasted pig, nestled inside a warm pit filled with banana and Ti leaves roasted over hot coals for something like a day!

I was able to get Hawaiian red salt to make this authentic as possible and you can find that salt by clicking this link:

I also used a traditional liquid smoke. I initially used 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of smoke when I prepared the meat and wrapped it in the foil inside my crock pot. This allowed the meat to steam roast much more quickly than if I had not used the foil.

In total the meat cooked on low for about 12 hours. Then I removed the foil, shredded the meat, which took little effort and corrected my seasonings. For ten pounds of meat I added an additional tablespoon of the red salt as well as an additional tablespoon of smoke. This made the perfect salty, smoky combination.

I loved the way this turned out and so did Rick and the girls. We have lots of shredded meat leftover, I put half of it in the freezer and the rest in the fridge for later in the week, when I plan on doing a little fusion cooking with it. Don’t worry, I promise to make a video!

I hope you will give this really simple dish a try. It takes little effort and you get big results.

Don’t worry if you don’t have access to the red salt, you can simply use kosher salt or whatever salt you have on hand.

Don’t forget the bananas either! They make all the difference when you can’t get authentic banana leaves!

I hope you try this and I hope you love it!

Happy Eating!

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