Mochi Ice Cream was requested by many people, so I finally made it!!!
You can enjoy making it by wrapping different flavored ice cream
The ice cream I used in this video are here:
Häagen-Dazs 30th Anniversary Rose (ハーゲンダッツ 30th アニバーサリー ローズ)
Häagen-Dazs Spoon Vege Tomato Cherry (ハーゲンダッツ スプーンベジ トマトチェリー)
Häagen-Dazs Spoon Vege Carrot Orange (ハーゲンダッツ スプーンベジ キャロットオレンジ)
Meiji Essel Super Cup Very Vanilla (明治エッセル スーパーカップ 超バニラ)
*btw, what Essel means is “excellent & essential”. I never knew it was a coined word until I searched it. hehe
Mochi Ice Cream (Yukimi Daifuku)
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30min
Number of servings: 8
50g (1.8oz.) Shiratamako (lumpy glutinous rice flour)
75g (2.7oz.) sugar *you will need at least this much sugar to keep the Mochi soft in the freezer. some people add 1 tsp. of cooking oil to keep it even softer.
100ml water
ice cream of your choice
Katakuriko (potato starch) or corn starch
1. Place Shiratamako (lumpy glutinous rice flour) in a microwavable bowl. Add water little by little and mix very well with a whisk. Then add sugar and mix well. *DO NOT add sugar before you mix the Shiratamako and water together. Otherwise, they won’t mix well (the lumpy texture won’t go away).
2. Cover with plastic wrap, then microwave at 600 watts for 2 minutes. Mix well with a damp spatula. Cover with plastic wrap again, then microwave at 600 watts for 1 minute. Mix well with a damp spatula.
3. Dust some starch on the counter. Place the mochi. Then sprinkle some starch and flatten out the mochi using your hands and a rolling pin to 3mm (0.1 inch) thick.
4. When the mochi is completely cool, cut into 8 square pieces. OR you can use a round cookie cutter or a cup to cut into 8 round pieces.
5. Line a small bowl with plastic wrap, place the mochi, place some ice cream, pinch the mochi to seal, then wrap with plastic wrap to shape.
6. Keep in the freezer. When you eat, put it out from the fridge for a few minutes until the mochi gets soft.
Other Mochi Recipes:
Kaki and Dango with Kuromitsu (Japanese Persimmon and Sweet Rice Dumplings)
Moffles (Mochi Waffles)
Ichigo Daifuku (Strawberry Mochi Rice Cake)
Dango (Japanese Sweet Dumplings)
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