Vegetable tart – vegetarian recipe

Impress your vegetarian friends with a savory tart that is not only delicious but also beautiful: the vegetable tart! Find this and many more recipes with pictures on the Giallozafferano App (in English)


I have a vegetarian friend coming over for dinner tonight, and I want to impress her with a savoury tart that is not only delicious but also beautiful… let’s see how to make it!
Vegetable tart
(8 servings)
• 1 round sheet of puff or shortcrust pastry, about 7 oz (200 g)
• ¾ lb (350 g) of zucchini
• ¾ lb (350 g) of carrots
• oil for brushing
• salt to taste For the béchamel sauce
• 1 ¼ cups (300 ml) of milk
• 1 ¾ tbsp (25 g) of butter
• 3 ¼ tbsp (25 g) of flour
• just under ½ cup (40 g) of grated parmesan cheese
• 2 medium eggs
• a pinch of grated nutmeg
• salt to taste
Let’s begin with the béchamel sauce: place the butter in a small saucepan and let it melt. Now add the flour… and let it brown for a couple of minutes. Pour in the milk, at room temperature… and stir until you have a smooth and rather thick sauce; then add a pinch of salt and nutmeg.
Here’s the béchamel sauce, transfer to a bowl and let it cool at room temperature. Now move on to the vegetables: first make sure that all zucchini and carrots are evenly sized, so you’ll have slices that are similar in thickness, so cut off the ends of the zucchini, that have been washed, and slice into very thin slices, 1/10 inch (1-2 mm) at the most… and repeat with the carrots.
Now take an 8 ½-inch (22 cm) round tart pan, grease with butter and cover the bottom with the sheet of puff pastry, or shortcrust pastry if you prefer; press well and fold in the excess dough from the sides, or cut it off.
The tart shell is ready, so take the cooled béchamel sauce, add the 2 eggs… and the parmesan cheese… and the filling for our savoury tart is ready.
Pour the béchamel sauce into the pan… and now we’re ready to add the vegetables, zucchini and carrots: arrange them upright, working from the outside to the centre, to create concentric circles… alternating the zucchini and the carrots.
Once you’ve finished filling your beautiful tart, brush a little oil on top and season with salt, and pepper if you like. Now bake the tart at 350°F (180°C) for about 50-60 minutes.
And here’s our wonderful vegetable tart, that is sure to make an impression on your friends! I’ll bring it to the table… see you next videorecipe!

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