Goat cheese and artichoke pasta – quick recipe

The goat cheese and artichoke pasta is an easy and flavourful vegetarian dish, ready in less than half an hour! Find this and many more recipes on the Giallozafferano App in English http://itunes.apple.com/app/giallozafferano-recipes/id384387249?mt=8


This morning I went to the market and bought some beautiful artichokes, and since I had goat cheese in the fridge, I decided to prepare an easy and quick pasta dish. As we all know, artichokes are very good yet annoying to clean, so begin by removing the tough outer leaves… until you reach the heart, that is the tender centre. Cut the artichoke in half… then into slices. To prevent the artichokes from turning brown, soak in acidulated water. Now take a pan, a clove of garlic and the oil, and sauté the garlic for about one minute. Meanwhile… drain the artichokes… while they’re draining, take the almonds and cut into slivers… if you want you can replace almonds with pine nuts. Set the almonds aside, meanwhile the garlic is light brown, so take the artichokes and add to the pan. Cook for about 15 minutes on a medium flame; if you see that the artichokes are drying out, add a ladle of hot water. While the artichokes are cooking, take a small pan… and toast the almonds on a high flame. The almonds are almost ready, so bring a pot with water to a boil… and take the goat cheese for the sauce… here it is. The water is boiling, so… drop in the pasta. Now move on to the goat cheese sauce: take a large bowl… add the goat cheese… and combine with the rest of the ingredients… a little oil… salt… ground pepper… and grated cheese… saving 2 tablespoons for garnishing, and now stir until you have a creamy sauce. Finish the artichokes by adding chopped parsley… and salt… stir… remove the garlic… and combine with the goat cheese mixture… add the toasted almonds, as well… and give a stir… that’s it, now just wait for the pasta to cook!
Told you it was quick! The pasta is ready, now drain… and toss in the goat cheese and artichoke sauce… stir to blend everything. If it’s too dry, add a little of the pasta cooking water.
And now, the finishing touch: a few almonds… a sprinkling of grated pecorino cheese… and buon appetito! Good, easy and quick!
We used:
Goat cheese & artichoke pasta
(for 4 servings)
• 5 tbsp of oil
• 1 clove of garlic
• 4 artichoke hearts
• 4 tbsp of chopped parsley • 1/3 cup (50 g) of almonds
• just over 1 cup (300 g) of goat cheese
• just under 1 cup (40 g) of grated pecorino cheese
• 14 oz (400 g) of pasta
• salt and pepper to taste

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