Plum and ginger jam – recipe

The plum and ginger jam is great for breakfast, tarts or even to serve with cheese… the freshness of ginger enhances the flavour of plums and leaves a spicy, lemon aftertaste! Find this and many more recipes on the Giallozafferano App in English


Hi everybody, I’m Sonia, welcome to the giallozafferano kitchen where we’ll prepare together the plum and ginger jam; you can eat this jam for breakfast, spread on bread or toast, or you can fill a lovely tart or, why not, serve it with mature cheeses. But let’s see together what ingredients we’ll need:
• the juice of 1 lemon
• 5 cups (1 kg) of sugar • 2,2 lbs (1 kg) of pitted black plums
• 1 oz (30 g) of ginger root
Well, let’s make together the plum and ginger jam:
First of all, wash, pit and cut the plums into quarters… then peel and grate the ginger, like this. Now combine everything in a pot. First the plums… the grated ginger, that has been peeled, as said before… the lemon juice… and the sugar. At this point, cook on a very low flame, until the plums are mushy.
20 min. — low heat
As you can see, after simmering for 20 minutes on a low flame the plums are all mushy… now I’ll pass everything through a food mill to make it smooth… but if you like fruit chunks, avoid this step and let it simmer until nice and thick.
Here we are, as you can see I’ve mashed the mixture and now I have a smooth sauce. All we have to do now is let it simmer on a low flame long enough to thicken. To know when it’s the right time, dip a teaspoon into the mixture and let a drop fall on a tilted plate: if it doesn’t run, the jam is ready. Remember to skim the jam while simmering, that is remove any foam that rises to the surface or the jam will be cloudy… while in this way it will be crystal clear. So let it simmer as needed.
30 min. — low heat
It’s been about half an hour… as you can see I’ve already tested the jam thickness with a teaspoon… the drop is thick enough and doesn’t run. So, it’s time to pot the jam: take a few sterilized jars (you can wash them in the dishwasher, or boil in water or even microwave for a couple of minutes at the highest setting)… after that, we’ll fill them. As you can see, I’m using a special jam funnel with a very large mouth; when the jar is full… put the lid on, seal tightly, turn it upside down and let it cool, to create the vacuum.
Once the jars have cooled, test for vacuum seals by pressing in the middle of the lid: if you don’t hear any sound, it’s okay, while if it makes a click-clack sound, there is no vacuum; in this case, put the jars in a pot, cover with cold water and boil for at least an hour, after that, check again. Now our jam is ready to be stored or, why not, to be spread on bread right now. From Sonia and Giallozafferano, bye and see you next videorecipe!

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