Foolproof Snickerdoodle Cookie Recipe (Inspired by Jane Bennet)

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Makes 2 dozen cookies

1 cup (240 g) unsalted butter
1 1/4 cups (250 g) sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp (7.5 ml) vanilla
2 1/4 cups (270 g) flour
1 tsp (5 ml) baking soda
2 tsp (10 ml) cream of tartar
1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) salt

3 tbsp (37 g) sugar
2 tsp (5 ml) cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350F (176C) degrees.

Cream together the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Then add eggs, one at a time, until well incorporated. Then add vanilla, until combined.

In a separate bowl whisk together the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt. Then add the dry mixture to your butter mixture in thirds until well combined.

Then in a small bowl combine the sugar and cinnamon until combined.

Portion out the dough with a 2” (5 cm) ice cream scooper. Roll in the cinnamon sugar. And place on a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Bake for 9-11 mins. Until tops are cracked and cookies are golden brown around the sides.

Place on a cooling rack until cooled. And enjoy!

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