Detox Anti-Inflammation Juice Recipe – Saturday Strategy

Kale, Ginger, Lemon, Cilantro, Cucumber, Celery, flax oil, aloe juice, curry, cayenne, turmeric, nettle leaf
Give your body a boost by doing a simple detox. Giving your body a break is important. With all the stress that our bodies endure from environmental toxins, it’s important from time to time to detox and get rid of the harmful toxins that buildup in our bodies. Detoxing not only helps get rid of toxins, it’s also a time where our bodies can rest and heal.

This week’s winner was Denise Gabay Otten. This is her story:
“Twenty years ago when my first daughter had ezcema at 6 months old and used to throw up at every meal, even when it was breast milk…the doctors and I were stumped at how to get her to hold food down. I finally went to a chiropractor (Dr. John Pagano) who was ahead of his time. He told me the child was allergic to many foods. I should not feed her milk (which I did not) but formula that was soy. But she threw that up too. Then he suggested JUICING FRESH FRUIT, as well as an elimination diet (she was allergic to foods).
She had bottles of papaya, asian pear, and prickly pear every week. Just add some calcium into it so she could get her recommended dose of Calcium.
At 6 months old until she was 18 months, my daughter lived on fresh juice (& breast milk until she was 12 mos) She still has ezcema and allergies, but I suspect the JUICING helped her grow and stay strong with more vitamins that any other child was receiving. She’s now 20, strong and vibrant. Still has allergies, but she hasn’t juiced since she was 18 mos old.
I truly BELIEVE JUICING SAVED HER LITTLE LIFE, as she was NOT gaining weight because she was vomiting everything up.
So to all those mothers out there…yes, you can give your child FRESH JUICE from the JUICING MACHINE. But you should add extra calcium. Talk to your Pediatrician about that.”

Remember, we’re in this together.

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