GallBladder Detox – Saturday Strategy

The environmental toxins of today’s world are all around us. It’s important to cleanse your body of the binding toxins that cause you to store unwanted fat. Luckily, you have a miracle machine in your body to help, but it needs to be in optimum shape to detox correctly. This miracle detox machine is your gall bladder and it giving it the right diet will help you start living in an optimum fashion.

This week’s winner is Olanza Badger. This is his story:

“Thank you so much Drew for all of the wonderful information that you share on juicing! I’ve always enjoyed working out however I’ve always struggled with my weight. I’ve been on a 45 day juice fast and my long time weight issues are turning around! When people ask me what am I doing, I pull out my juicing soapbox and begin to preach! So far I’ve managed to loose 38lbs and gain 12 new juice converts! Thanks again for helping me and suppling me with information to help my friends!”

Remember, we’re in this together.

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