How to detox from sugar – Sugar Detox 101

Hello Fitlifers!

Welcome to another Saturday Strategy and I’m very glad that you’re here in my kitchen!

In this week’s episode, we’re going to talk about sugars. At the end of this video, we’re giving away a $400 Jay Kordich Power Juicer Pro for one lucky winner who left a comment below the video last week. If you wanted to take the juicer with you for next week, leave a video response.

“The more you consume, the more sugar your body wants, creating a cycle that is hard to break”

Would you consider having a sweet tooth an addiction? For those who don’t have diets high in sugar it can be hard to understand why it can be so challenging for others to eliminate soda, candy, and other sweets.

Eat the food that doesn’t contain a lot of sugar in it, those that break you through your sugar cravings.
In this week’s Saturday Strategy, I’m going to give you four eminent tools to stop this silent evil from destroying your body.

4 Tools

So now let’s dig into these 4 tools further to get a better life free from sugar hassles.

Tool # 1 Filtered Water

We don’t need a lot of explaining on this. Water is a therapy that heals your body and revives it to its original state. It neutralizes whatever it is that’s in excess and returns your body back to its original rate of metabolism.

Tool # 2 Glutamine

Glutamine is one of the most effective ingredients against sugar cravings. They say that 1/4 tsp under the tongue is already enough and it’s going to work in just roughly about 10 minutes for immediacy.

Tool # 3 Cacao and Dark Chocolate

You can also use Navitas Naturals Cacao Powder to curb sugar cravings. Along with water and L-glutamine, these are the sugar-curbing ingredients.

Cacao is the the anti-oxidant side of the coco plant and we also have the dark chocolate. When we eat sugar, your body has depleted some magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for about 300 biochemical transactions in your body every single day. You definitely need magnesium.

Tool # 4 Pistachios

One of the simplest things that you can do is to eat some pistachios. Pistachios is loaded with good fat. Limes and mint, which we’re going to use in a second, are also very good in busting the sugar cravings that you have.

And now, let’s get to the bottom of all this — the juice recipe to stop sugar cravings.

2 cucumbers
1 handful of Mint
6 stalks of celery
1 Lime
1 teaspoon of L-l-glutamine

This juice recipe will help your body in getting away from sugar. If you’re still confused, we’ve laid out some food to eat, we gave you a juice recipe.

Treat Your Sugar Addiction and Shed The Pounds

The Beta Breakthrough is a 14 day program which alternates juicing and clean eating to rid your body of the sugar cravings.

The Beta Breakthrough is a 4 day juice cleanse followed by 3 days of clean eating and repeated.

I know many of you know this.

Maybe you’ve heard me talk about this before….

I want to share this with you….

This is embarrassing and you may have heard me talk about this before… BUT… )

I used to be 25 pounds over weight and have a ton of belly fat. And everywhere I would go I feel like everyone was staring at my belly. I was embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach. I tried every diet plan known to man and nothing worked until one day a man told me how this “one simple thing” saved his life. I figured if this solution saved his life, what would it do for someone that was already healthy?

When I applied this to my life I was able lose 25 pounds and finally get the body I always wanted.

Get your hands on the thing that I used to transform myself and over 500,000 others.

Always remember, we’re in this together…

– Drew Canole

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what is beta breakthrough
about beta breakthrough
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