“Cause You Know I’m Greek” Egg Salad


Cause You Know I’m Greek — Egg Salad
1. Boil 3 organic eggs and peel them
2. Rinse and cut up 3 pieces of carrot and celery
3. Cut one lemon and one lime in half
4. Add ¼ cup of Organic Greek Yogurt
5. Add 1 tsp of spicy or honey Dijon mustard (your preference)
6. Give it four pinches of sea salt and pepper
7. Squeeze the lemon and lime in
8. Stir/blend the ingredients together
9. Enjoy on sprout bread, over a bed of greens or in a bowl!

Eating the same stuff over and over is BORING! Try this recipe; it’s healthy and different!
• High Protein
• Good Fat
• Fiber
• Probiotics
• Low calories
• Delicious taste

What else would you want?!


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