Stuffed Tomatoes, Peppers and Grape Leaves (Gemista & Dolmades)

Stuffed Tomatoes, Peppers and Grape Leaves are vegetarian and healthy, especially with extra virgin PDO Greek olive oil and feta or Greek yogurt. To see the recipe press the more button.

4-6 servings

5-6 large, firm, ripe tomatoes
5-6 large green bell peppers
¼ cup/60 ml olive oil
3 large red onions, finely chopped
5-6 scallions, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 cup Greek Blue Bonnet or other variety of medium-grain rice
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
1 cup chopped fresh mint
1 cup chopped fresh dill
1 small cinnamon stick (optional)
1/3 cup dark or light seedless raisins
1/3 cup lightly toasted pine nuts (optional)
12 to 20 fresh grape leaves or in a jar in brine
¾ cup/180 ml water, or more as needed, if necessary (if tomatoes don’t exude enough liquid in the baking pan)

1. Wash the vegetables. Take a very sharp knife and slice off the top of each tomato and pepper. Seed the pepper. Keep each vegetable and “cap” together, since the tops will be fit back on when vegetables are stuffed.
2. With a teaspoon, gently scoop out the pulp of each tomato, being careful not to tear the outer skin. Leave a shell thick enough (about ½ inch/1,5 cm) to hold stuffing. Remove seeds, chop pulp, and place, with juices, in a large bowl. Add salt and some sugar inside the hollowed tomatoes, then flip over inside the pan.
3. In a large heavy skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil and sauté onion, scallions and garlic until translucent. Add the rice and stir frequently until very lightly browned, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in tomato pulp. Season with salt and pepper. Add herbs, raisins, the cinnamon stick and pine nuts if desired. Reduce heat, cover skillet, and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes, until rice is softened but not cooked and most of liquid is absorbed. (The mixture should be moist). Remove cinnamon stick; season stuffing with salt and pepper, if needed. Pour in some olive oil and stir.
4. Preheat oven to 350˚F/180˚C. Stuff the vegetables with rice filling (not all the way to the top because the rice is going to expand during baking) and crown with their own caps. Place in a baking pan, making sure that the vegetables are snug next to one another.
5. Rinse and blanch the grape leaves if you are using fresh ones. Drain while rinsing again in a colander under cold water.
6. Take whatever stuffing remains and use it to fill the grape leaves: Place the leaves vein side up on a work surface. Place a heaping teaspoon of the filling in the bottom center of each leaf. Fold in the sides and roll up from the bottom, tucking in the top part of the leaf as you go to get a perfect cylinder. Place the stuffed grape leaves seam side down in the spaces between the other stuffed vegetables. Alternatively, if there are any stuffed vegetables missing their caps, top them with a grape leaf.
7. Bake uncovered for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, until vegetables are soft and blistery (for tomatoes and peppers) and rice cooked. Add a little water to pan if needed during baking. Serve warm or cold.

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