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Drink Pure Alkaline Water — lots of it! Pure water meaning water that is filtered. At a minimum, you should be drinking 7 ounces of water for every 10 lbs of your body weight. So, if you weigh 130lbs, you need to drink a minimum of 91 ounces of pure water (that’s about 3 liters). Pure water meaning water that is filtered — the finest choice is an alkaline ionization unit (Jupiter is one of the finest on the market). If you don’t have this resource available, distilled water is a great choice with reverse osmosis coming next. Alkaline water means water with a pH over 7.5. Alkaline water adds oxygen to your water and helps to neutralize acids. A simple way to alkalize your water is with a dash of baking soda. There are also wonderful alkalizing agents you can purchase to buffer and alkalize the water.

Acidic Foods … such as fast foods, meats, grains, greens, most fruits, refined salt, sugar, condiments (pickles, ketchup, etc.), soda pop etc. have a pH ranging from 2.8 to 5.5 which is highly acidic.

Alkaline Foods … Almonds, all melons, unpasturized honey, bee pollen, maple syrup, figs, dates, natural yogurt, cheese and dairies, earth vegetables, apricots, avocados, coconut, grapes, molasses, raisins and lemon … are all alkaline forming foods.

Emotions … The Alkaline Level of the body is also greatly influenced by your emotions. Joyous, happy, love-filled emotions tend to create alkaline-forming chemical reactions in the body. Conversely, emotions which are filled with anger, fear, jealousy, hate, etc. … create acidic-forming chemical reaction in the body.

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