Breville — Health Full Life™: Superfood Green Juice Recipe

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As part of Breville’s Health Full Life series, learn how to make delicious and nutritious juice recipes with Adele Schober.

‘Superfood’ is a term used to describe foods that have a particularly high concentration of vitamins and minerals.

Put superfoods to the juicing task — to instantly work at a cellular level to cleanse and detoxify, while leaving you with an amazing feeling of health and vitality.

This green superfood juice is great for alkalizing your body and is a stimulant and mood lifter.

This juice is loaded up with chlorophyll, which is the pigment found in all green plants that allows them to capture the sun’s energy — photosynthesis. And chlorophyll is the most nutrient-charged way to optimum health.

The leafy greens turbo-charge this juice.

Read this and other recipes at

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