Delicious Homemade Flour Tortillas


Here I will show you step by step how to make flour tortillas from scratch. Not only is it easy but way better than store bought. Making these at home only requires 5 ingredients vs. store bought and you can pronounce them! It’s cheaper too. But the best part is that they taste great.
Here are the ingredients:
* 2 cups of white flour
* 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
* 1 tsp. salt
* 2 tsp. vegetable oil
* 3/4 cup warm water

Mix the flour, salt and baking powder in a large bowl. In another bowl, add the warm water and oil together.

Add the water mixture to the flour mixture, one tablespoon at a time, stirring it in with a fork. Once a tablespoon of water is mixed in, add another until you have all the water mixed in.

The dough will be slightly sticky. Lightly flour a wood cutting board and knead the dough for about 3 minutes.

Place the dough back in the bowl and cover with a slightly damp cloth for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into golf ball size balls and cover again with the damp cloth. Let the dough rest for an additional 10 minutes.

Preheat a cast iron pan over medium high heat. Lightly dust a wood cutting board with flour. Flatten one of the balls with your hand and then roll out the dough with a rolling pin. If the dough sticks, place a little flour on the rolling pin.

Roll the tortilla out very thin. When ready, place the tortilla on the hot pan and cook for 30 to 45 seconds. You will notice that the tortilla will begin to bubble up. Check for brown spots.

Turn the tortilla over when brown spots form and cook for another 30 seconds or so on the second side.

When the tortilla is done place it in a tortilla oven or wrap in a towel to keep warm. Continue making the rest of the tortillas. You will get about 7 or 8 tortillas from this recipe.

Try putting butter on one of these tortillas and enjoy eating it.


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