Don’t Waste Your Time Juicing: Longevity Juice Recipe

Hi Fitlifers!

How do you spend your time? Do you manage your time efficiently?

We are all given a set amount of time.

We spend 1/5 of our life working.
We spend 1/3 of our life sleeping.
We spend another 1/5 of our life surfing the internet or watching TV.

With the time we have left (~30%), we can’t even enjoy it if our body is not in optimal condition. Imagine how much more effective you will be in when you have the energy and vitality to be with your family and loved ones.

Here are the ingredients list you need for this longevity recipe!


Plums are loaded with Vitamins A, B, C, E, K and Niacin. plumA medium fresh plum contains 113 mg of potassium that helps manage high blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke.

Red Cabbage

The best-known sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, so it may be a surprise to learn that 1 cup of chopped red cabbage has 56 percent of the recommended daily intake of this important vitamin.


A longside of tomatoes, watermelon has moved up to the front of the line in recent research studies on high-lycopene foods.


1 cup of kiwi, you get over 270 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, scavenging free radicals in your body to help prevent disease.


The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, fennel indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, and its benefits regarding eye care.


The Lime is the sweeter cousin of the lemon. They contain calcium and folate, two nutrients that are important for post-menopausal women and women of child-bearing age.


Turmeric is one of the most versatile spices. It has almost a sweet and tangy taste. Turmeric contains antioxidants that fight and neutralize cancer causing free radicals. Turmeric can increase detoxification enzymes which help eliminate toxins.


The flavonoids in parsley—especially luteolin—have been shown to function as antioxidants that combine with highly reactive oxygen-containing molecules (called oxygen radicals) and help prevent oxygen-based damage to cells.


Drinking cucumber juice can provide you with a good cucumber-slices quantity of vitamin A.

I want to share with an amazing longevity recipe this week with you.

Longevity Juice Recipe

1/2 Plum
1/2 Red Cabbage
2 Slices of Watermelon
1 Lime
1 Handful of Parsley
1 Kiwi
1 Fennel
1/2 Cucumber
1 Inch Turmeric
Juice all ingredients
Serve chilled

The winner of the juicer this week is Rich Newell! Congratulations Rich!


Fitlifers, if you want to grab the chance of winning the juicer next week like Rich, make sure you leave a comment on the blog to register. We want to hear from you! I know a lot of this week may have been new information to you, and that’s okay. Each week, I strive to give you content that is new and will further help you in your transformation journey. It’s time to invest in yourself! I want you to give The Juice with Drew System a try.


The detoxification process can also take in the form of a juice fast. Here at FitLife.TV, we recommend people to try the Alpha Reset (AR). The Alpha Reset is a 5 Day Juice Fast. It is part of the Juice with Drew System. This is the first step in your detoxification process. If you are just starting out with juicing, do not jump right into a juice fast right away. Just try 1 juice per day along with the rest of your nutrition and see how your body responds. If your body responds well to juicing, then ramp up the number of juices per day. These healthy, nutrient-dense juices can replace that coffee you reach for in the morning or that soda in the afternoon. Here are some of our followers that have tried the Alpha Reset!

best juice recipe for longevity
drew canole
benefits of plum
benefits of red cabbage
benefits of watermelon
benefits of lime
benefits of parsley
benefits of kiwi
benefits of fennel
benefits of cucumber
benefits of turmeric
Why Juicing is Essential for Longevity
Healthy Recipes That Will Help You Live
The Benefit of Juicing, Juicing And Longevity
Longevity Juice recipe
Why Juicing Helps Anti-Aging and Longevity
Longevity Juice Cleanse
Juicing for Health & Longevity

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