Fruit salad – summer recipe

A fruit salad is very simple to prepare, but Sonia will give you some nice advice to make it impressive!


We are in the regional park of the Euganean Hills, very close to Padua, in the Veneto region.
With this beautiful fruit, we’ll prepare a simple and fresh fruit salad. Besides, I’ll give you some nice advice for serving. Let’s see together the ingredients:
• 1/5 cup (40 g) of sugar
• 3,5 oz (100 g) of cantaloupe
• the juice of 1 lemon
• 7 oz (200 g) of strawberries • 5,3 oz (150 g) of pineapple
• 7 oz (200 g) of kiwi fruit
• 5,3 oz (150 g) of banana
Let’s prepare together the fruit salad:
So, wash the fruit and begin by cutting the strawberries and the kiwi fruit.
Now peel the pineapple (if you want to see how, watch the cooking tutorial on the yellowsaffron channel) and cut the flesh into cubes.
Move on to the cantaloupe, peel and cut in half, if you want to see how watch the cooking tutorial on our channel. With a teaspoon or a melon baller, as you prefer, scoop out the flesh and keep aside; don’t get rid of the rind since you could use it as a serving bowl for your fruit salad.
Lastly, to prevent browning, peel and cut the banana into thin slices. Then squeeze the lemon… and combine all the fruit in a bowl. Now add the bananas… drizzle the lemon juice… and sprinkle with sugar. Mix everything and let it rest for at least an hour.
And here is our delicious and impressive fruit salad. From Sonia and the Venetoshire, bye bye and see you next videorecipe!

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