Gelatin free panna cotta – recipe

The gelatin free panna cotta calls for egg whites instead of gelatin… serve it with a sweet strawberry sauce and you will see how delicious it is! Find this and many more recipes with pictures on the Giallozafferano App (in English)


Today we’ll be making a special panna cotta recipe, that calls for egg whites instead of gelatin! We’ll serve it with a sweet strawberry sauce… a real delicacy! Let’s make it together!
Ingredients for 4 servings
Gelatin free panna cotta
(for 4 panna cottas)

• 1 ¼ cups (300 ml) of heavy cream
• ½ cup (125 ml) of fresh whole milk
• 1/3 cup (70 g) of white sugar
• ¼ cup (70 g) of egg whites
• ½ vanilla pod
• 1 pinch of salt For garnishing
• 2/3 lb (300 g) of strawberries
• 2 tbsp of powdered sugar
• the zest of ½ orange
• the juice of ½ orange
To prepare the panna cotta, first combine the heavy cream and the milk… in a small saucepan. As an alternative, you can replace cow’s milk with goat’s milk. Add the sugar… a pinch of salt… and the vanilla pod, as well as the seeds; I used half vanilla pod: slice the pod lengthwise, divide in half, scrape out the seeds from one half with a paring knife, then add the half pod and the seeds to the milk. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, then turn off the heat and let it steep until it’s room temperature, stir to dissolve the sugar of course, after that we’ll go on with the recipe.
Here we are, the cream mixture has cooled to room temperature and the sugar has dissolved, so remove the vanilla pod… and add the egg whites… mix just enough to break up and blend the ingredients together, then divide the mixture into 4 moulds, that have been placed in a baking pan, as you can see. You can use muffin moulds, that hold about ¾ cup (175 ml) each. Using a funnel to avoid spilling over, divide the mixture into 4 equal parts. Then fill the baking pan with enough boiling water to come ¾ of the way up the sides of the moulds. Now bake the panna cottas in a preheated fan oven at 285°F (140°C) for about 60 minutes.
After removing the panna cottas from the oven, allow to cool completely in the water bath, then place the moulds in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Well, while our panna cottas are in the fridge to set, we can prepare the accompaniment, so put the strawberries in a large pan, that have been previously cleaned and diced, and add the powdered sugar. Cook over medium-high heat… along with the juice and grated zest of half orange, to make them more flavourful. Besides, you can use an additional orange zest for garnish, trying not to get the white part that is bitter, cut into thin strips. Sauté for a few seconds and turn off the heat.
Now we can plate it up. Dip each mould in hot water for a couple of seconds, then moisten a sharp knife with hot water, run it around the edge of the mould and carefully loosen the panna cotta from the mould. Turn it upside down onto a serving dish and here we are. Now arrange the strawberries all around the panna cotta… then top with the orange zests, a little strawberry juice and a few diced strawberries. That’s it, our gelatin free panna cotta is ready to enjoy… see you next videorecipe! I like it…

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