Green “Slime” Filled Cupcakes: with Yoyomax12

This filling is sweet and tangy, almost like a sour candy.
Green monster cupcake video:

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup lime juice
2 egg yolks, lightly beaten
1/4 cup butter, cubed
Food colour

Bake cupcakes using a recipe you like or a white cupcake mix (tinted green) Allow to cool completely.

To make slime filling:
Beat egg yolks lightly in a small bowl and set aside.
Combine the sugar and lime juice in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium high heat.
Remove from heat and whisk about 1/4 of the mixture into the egg yolks. Add egg yolks mixture back into the pot while whisking constantly until well blended.
Place pan over medium heat and cook whisking constantly at least 10 minutes (the mixture will become thick and pudding like)
Add butter in a little at a time, stirring constantly.
Remove from heat and pour through a fine strainer (I didn’t do this step and it was fine)
Add food colour and stir.
Pour into container.
Place plastic wrap onto surface of the custard and refrigerate until chilled.
It will thicken a lot during chilling.

This makes enough for about a dozen cupcakes.

**NOTE the photos I took makes it look like the slime oozes out when you cut into it, but the filling sets quite firmly, almost like the filling in a lemon meringue pie and doesn’t ooze very much.

Based on a recipe I found here:


My name is Tammy and I live in Northeastern Ontario Canada. I am a married, full-time working mom of one teenaged son.

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