How to Make Carrot Ginger Juice

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In this video, Mahalo expert
Kristina Jackson demonstrates how to make carrot ginger juice.

What You’ll Need

* 5 large carrots (organic preferred)
* 1 inch ginger
* Juicer
* Paper towels
* Pitcher
* Stirring spoon
* Drinking glass
* Mason jar or other air-tight container


1. Rinse your carrots and ginger under cold water. Dry them with paper towels.
2. Place your pitcher under the juicer’s spout so it will collect the juice.
3. If you’re using organic carrots, go ahead and begin juicing by pushing them down the chute. If they’re not organic, then you’ll want to start by
peeling them before you begin juicing.4. Add the ginger. It won’t yield a lot of juice, but it will be just enough to give you that nice spice.
5. Use your stirring spoon to stir the carrot and ginger juice together.
6. Pour the juice from the pitcher into a drinking glass and serve. Try using a martini shaker filled with ice to serve the juice chilled.
7. Also, try to drink your freshly-squeezed juice within 20 minutes to absorb more of the live nutrients and enzymes.
8. To properly store your juice, pour it in a mason jar or other air-tight container and place in your refrigerator. It will keep for a maximum of 24 hours.

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