How to Make No Bake Cream Cheese Pie: Noreen’s Kitchen

http;// Greetings! My daughter Micah has been asking and asking me to make this recipe for her. So today’s the day! No Bake Cream Cheese Pie. Super easy, super delicious and a real throw back to the desserts of my youth.

This is the type of dessert that was so popular in the 60s and 70s when nary a family get together had a jell-o salad of some sort or something that included a brick or two of Philadelphia cream cheese!

While this recipe doesn’t have any ubiquitous Jell-o, it does contain the latter. Only one brick, and one can of sweetened condensed milk. Another “miracle” ingredient of days gone by that is now considered a pantry staple. Throw in some lemon juice and vanilla, pour it all into a graham cracker pie shell and in a couple hours you have pie.

I add my own twist on this classic by adding another layer to the top and chilling for another hour or two before serving. The sweetened sour cream adds that extra tartness which cuts through the cloying sweetness of the condensed milk. It adds just the right amount of that little something extra.

You don’t need to top this with fruit if you don’t want to. In our house, everyone likes it a different way. Micah likes cherry topping, Rick likes blueberry, I like some of my pineapple jam on the side and Molly likes it as is, naked. No matter your preference, I think that it is nice to just leave it plain and let everyone add whatever they want to the top or nothing at all. If you wish to guild the lily a bit, add a dollop of freshly whipped cream!

When I made this, and I was putting it in the fridge, I wondered why I don’t make this more often. It is simple, takes only 3 or 4 ingredients that I always seem to have on hand and it is delicious. The other benefit is that you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen as with a traditional cheesecake. I know there is no substitute for real cheesecake, but this is a nice option when you want something for dessert but don’t want to go to all that work. I also love that this makes only 6 nice servings. It isn’t sitting in the fridge waiting to get eaten and the last slice never gets thrown away.

You can find the full recipe on my website and print it out for your own recipe book.

I hope you try this and I hope you love it!

Happy Eating!

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