How To Make Pineapple Salsa


Making fresh pineapple salsa is a delicious appetizer that is easy to make. Just make sure and pick out a good pineapple. It should have a nice yellow outside color without any mold or dark brown spots.

Also smell the bottom of the pineapple. It should smell sweet and wonderful and not fermented at all.

BTW, here is a link to my video on how to cut up a pineapple if you need that:

When you cut everything up, make sure to dice all the ingredients pretty small so that you could scoop up the salsa on a chip. And feel free to add more or less of any of the ingredients listed. Remember, this is your salsa!

Then refrigerate the salsa so that everything is nice and chilled. It just tastes better that way!

Fresh salsa like this one, is always the best eaten the same day. You can keep left overs, if you have any, for one maybe two days.

But try and eat it all in one day!

I really love the combination of flavors in this recipe and I hope you do too. Don’t forget to leave me a comment below!

The green apples give it some tartness while the pineapple gives it it’s sweetness. And the walnuts, yum, they give it a nice rich roasted flavor. Don’t forget to roast them a few minutes.

Like I said in the video… it’s a party in your mouth!

This fruit salsa is yummy with chicken, fish, beef and of course by itself. Try it and let me know what you think.

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