Key Ingredients For A Juice Cleanse Recipe To Detox Your Kidneys

Hey Fitlifer,

It’s that wonderful time of the week. It’s time for another exciting episode of Saturday Strategy!

Today I want to give you some foods and strategies to detoxify an organ that is vitally important for you and your body. This organ cleans your blood, regulates all of the water systems in your body, and works with all the other organs, specifically your liver, to optimize your body’s various functions.

Any idea what it is yet? Okay, here’s another hint: you have two of them…

Yup, you guess it! It’s your Kidneys!!!

Let me start off with giving you a few signs that your kidneys need to be detoxed…

– Eczema
– Fatigue
– Unexplained Weight Gain
– Bloating
– Mood Swings

This is all possible because of a hormone imbalance in your body from your Kidneys being a little “dirty”. But don’t worry, I’m going to help you clean these up this week.

A natural diuretic and detoxifier, radishes will help your body pull toxins out of your bloodstream and kidneys. Since the kidneys act as a natural filter and can become a collection point for any toxins we consume, it’s important to help the body clean them out.

Alongside of tomatoes, watermelon has moved up to the front of the line in recent research studies on high-lycopene foods. Lycopene is a carotenoid phytonutrient that’s especially important for our cardiovascular health, and an increasing number of scientists now believe that lycopene is important for bone health as well. Among whole, fresh fruits that are commonly eaten in the U.S., watermelon now accounts for more U.S. intake of lycopene (by weight of fruit eaten) than any other fruit.

To avoid a morning hangover or headache; eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish many essential nutrients, reducing the intensity of both hangover and headache.

According to a 10-year study from the Netherlands about carrot intake and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)—and those results are fascinating. Intake of fruits and vegetables in the study was categorized by color and focused on four color categories: green, orange/yellow, red/purple, and white. Out of these four categories, orange/yellow (and in particular, foods with deeper shades of orange and yellow) emerged as most protective against CVD. And even more striking, carrots were determined to be the most prominent member of this dark orange/yellow food category. Participants who ate 50- or 75-grams more had an even more greatly reduced risk of CVD!

Studies indicate that parsley—especially its essential oil—may have a role in inhibiting cancerous tumors. In fact, scientists have billed it a ‘chemoprotective’ food.

Red cabbage
The best-known sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, so it may be a surprise to learn that 1 cup of chopped red cabbage has 56 percent of the recommended daily intake of this important vitamin. As an antioxidant, vitamin C fights inflammation and protects cells from damage that leads to chronic health conditions, such as heart disease

The potential health benefits of celery (and its seeds) include: lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cancer, and preventing age-related degeneration of vision.

For more recipes, ninja tactics, different things that you can do to improve your health around the holiday season to lose the weight and get the body that you want and the body that you deserve, check out the 5 Day Detox System. The brand new system that has transformed thousands of peoples’ lives.

The winner of this week’s juicer is:Cheri Nikkel

Fitlifers, if you want to grab the chance of winning the juicer next week like Cheri Nikkel, make sure you leave a comment on the blog to register. Make this juice recipe and share us your experience! We want to hear from you!

Remember, we’re in this together…

juicing vegetables
how to detox kidneys
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benefits of parsley
benefits of cucumber
benefits of radish
benefits of red cabbage
benefits of watermelon
benefits of cucumber
benefits of celery
healthy living
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juicing recipes

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