Maltagliati with cuttlefish sauce – recipe

The maltagliati with cuttlefish sauce is a roughly cut, flat pasta, that was usually made from dough scraps left over from cutting tagliatelle, served with a tasty and elegant seafood sauce! Find this and many more recipes with pictures on the Giallozafferano App (in English)


Today we’ll learn how to make the maltagliati with cuttlefish sauce, a roughly cut, flat pasta, that was usually made from dough scraps left over from cutting tagliatelle. We’ll serve it with a tasty and elegant cuttlefish sauce, let’s see the recipe!
Ingredients for the maltagliati
Maltagliati with cuttlefish sauce
(for 4 servings)

For the maltagliati
• 2 1/3 cups (300 g) of flour
• 3 medium eggs
• 1 good pinch of salt
For the cuttlefish sauce
• 1 lb (500 g) of cleaned cuttlefish
• 1 small onion • 2 cloves of garlic
• 3 sprigs of thyme
• 2 tbsp of chopped parsley
• 3 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
• 4 fillets of anchovy
• 14 oz (400 g) of canned peeled tomatoes
• 1/5 cup (50 ml) of white wine
• salt and pepper to taste
First of all, prepare the fresh pasta dough: sift the flour into a bowl, make an indentation in the middle and break the eggs into the well… add a pinch of salt and mix with your hands. Incorporate the eggs into the flour… then, once the ingredients have come together, turn out the dough onto a work surface and knead until smooth and elastic. Get the dough off your hands, then knead on a work surface… and bring it together to form a smooth dough.
As you can see now the dough is nice and smooth, wrap in cling film and let it rest in a fresh place for at least an hour, in the meantime move on to the cuttlefish sauce.
While the dough is resting, we’ll prepare the cuttlefish sauce: in a large pan, put the oil, the chopped onion, the crushed cloves of garlic and the thyme leaves; sauté for about 10-15 minutes until softened, and now add the chopped anchovy. Let it melt on a low flame, after that add the cuttlefish, that has been already cleaned and cut into pieces: separate the tentacles from the body, cut the bodies first into strips, then into small cubes. Stir well and pour in the white wine… and let it evaporate.
Well, after 10 minutes, add the canned peeled tomatoes… mix well, season with salt and pepper, then cook for at least 10-15 minutes until the sauce has thickened, keeping the heat low. Before turning off the heat, add the chopped parsley.
The sauce is done and the water is heating up, so now we can make the maltagliati: dust the work surface with flour, take the dough… and roll it out to a thickness of 1 millimetre (1/25 inch), more or less, not papery thin. You can use a pasta machine and roll into sheets, then dust with flour, overlap the strips and cut into pieces. The rest period makes the dough easier to stretch, otherwise it would be too elastic and you won’t be able to roll it out.
That’s it…. now dust the dough with flour and cut into strips with a knife, then overlap the strips… dust again with flour to prevent sticking, then cut into diamond shapes, the size doesn’t matter. Now arrange the resulting maltagliati on the work surface, dusting with more flour, after that all you have to do is boil and add to the sauce.
The pasta is cooked, now drain and toss with the sauce. Give a good stir and your maltagliati with cuttlefish sauce is ready to serve… buon appetito!

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