Mayonnaise recipe

Why buy a jar when making your own is so simple, delicious and economical? Enjoy making your own mayonnaise with this recipe from GialloZafferano; Italy’s number one food website.


Welcome to the GialloZafferano kitchen. I’m Sonia and today we’ll be preparing an extremely versatile condiment used in various everyday recipes: Mayonnaise. Here are the ingredients.
• Just under 1 ¼ cups of vegetable oil
• 1 tsp of red wine vinegar
• Salt to taste • The juice of half a lemon
• White pepper
• 2 egg yolks
Let’s prepare our mayonnaise.
First get a tall bowl ready by placing it onto a damp tea towel. This will keep the bowl still during the preparation. Add the egg yolks and the vinegar to the bowl. Now a pinch of white pepper, which of course is optional and can be left out if you’d prefer, and a pinch of salt. Now, whip everything well and add the oil in a thin stream while whipping.
I’ve poured in all of the oil very slowly and in a thin stream. Now, adjust the acidity of the mayonnaise with the lemon juice adding to your taste, add more salt or pepper if needed, and continue to whip until you reach the density you’re looking for.
Our mayonnaise is finished. This is the proper consistency. Now you can either use it immediately or cover the bowl in plastic wrap and save it in the fridge. See you next video recipe!

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