Noreen’s Kitchen: How to Roast a Turkey

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Greetings! Today is the Sunday before Thanksgiving, 2010. This year will be the first year the I will not be cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Our family has made plans to go somewhere for the weekend to celebrate my birthday and my mother’s birthday (we share one) and Molly’s Birthday which is two days later. So we will be eating out for Thanksgiving this year. While I am looking forward to this, the thought of not cooking a Thanksgiving dinner kind of feels weird and wrong to me, so in order to quell that horrible feeling, I decided to cook a small Thanksgiving meal tonight.

Since Rick seems to think that I should show how to do this, and since I did not demonstrate a Turkey last year, I will share with you how I do a turkey today. I will say that I had to do this in two parts because it really does take longer than 15 minutes to explain the subtle nuances of turkey cooking. But, do not be dismayed! If you are a first timer to this turkey cooking thing, than welcome! You are in for a lifetime of good eating and you should not let the turkey control you, you should let him know who is in charge and take it from there, become one with your turkey and everything will be just fine!

Watch what I do, and do it. That simple. Get yourself an instant read thermometer and you will be in total control. If your turkey came with a pop up thermometer, take it out! Don’t trust it! Only trust the real thing.

I hope you try this and I hope you enjoy it and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Our family will be remembering you in our Thanksgiving prayers this year. Have a great holiday and as always, Happy Eating!

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