Panettone – Italian recipe

The panettone is a Christmas sweet bread, which was born in Milan but it’s a must-have on every holiday table all over Italy. It’s not difficult, you just need a little patience!
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My Christmas tree is ready… the presents are wrapped up… what’s missing? A great homemade panettone… yes, with your hands! Come on, we’ll make it together.
For our panettone, we’ll use fresh yeast instead of natural yeast, which requires a long time of preparation; with fresh yeast you’ll be able to make an excellent panettone in just one day. Let’s see together what ingredients we’ll need:
• 4 cups of flour (½ bread, ½ all-purpose)
• just over ¾ cup (160 g) of sugar
• 1 vanilla pod
• 1 tsp of barley or corn malt (or 1 tsp of sugar)
• ¼ tbsp (5 g) of salt
• less than 1 ½ sticks (160 g) of butter
• 4 eggs + 3 egg yolks • the grated zest of 1 organic lemon
• just under ½ oz (12 g) of fresh yeast
• 1/5 — 1/4 cup (50-60 ml) of fresh whole milk
• about 3 oz (80 g) of candied citron and orange
• less than 1 cup (120 g) of raisins
Let’s see together how to make the panettone:
To prepare the panettone, first of all heat the milk until lukewarm, dissolve 1/3 oz (10 g) of fresh yeast and 1 teaspoon of malt (or sugar), after that add just over ¾ cup (100 g) of flour (the 2 flours have already been blended together) and knead until you have a smooth and even mixture… similar to bread dough. Now, place it in a bowl and let it rise at 86°F (30°C) until doubled in volume; it may take more or less time, what’s important is that it doubles in volume.
60 min. – 86°F (30°C)
As you can see, the mixture has doubled in volume, so put 1 ½ cups (180 g) of the remaining flour in a bowl… then add the mixture, the remaining fresh yeast and 2 whole eggs at room temperature, and knead until it’s dry and not sticky.
Now that we have our dough, add 1/3 cup (60 g) of sugar and blend into the dough, then add ½ stick (60 g) of butter at room temperature in two times… so it blends well.
And here’s our resulting mixture, all we have to do is wrap in cling film and let it rise for at least 2 hours at 86°F (30°C) or until doubled in volume.
2 hours – 86°F (30°C)
This is the risen dough, now add the remaining flour and the remaining eggs, 2 whole plus 3 egg yolks and the remaining butter; knead everything, perhaps with a spoon, until you have an elastic, dry mixture, not sticky; at this point, you can add the sugar, the vanilla seeds and the salt.
After adding sugar, vanilla and salt, it’s time to add the grated lemon zest, the raisins, the candied orange and citron. Blend everything together… after that cover with cling film and let it rise for at least 2 hours or until the dough has doubled in volume.
2 hours – 86°F (30°C)
Take a panettone mould, grease with butter and line with parchment paper. Set aside since we’ll need it later, so after 2 hours, take the risen dough… turn it out onto the work surface… knead it again, if it sticks to the table use a spatula… form into a ball and place it in the mould… in this way. Now we just have to let it rise again at 86°F (30°C) until doubled in volume.
2 hours – 86°F (30°C)
Finally, here we are, once the dough has reached the rim, keep it for 10-15 minutes in an airy place, so that a hard thin layer forms on the surface. At this point, cut a cross into the surface with a sharp knife… in this way… and put a cube of butter… in the middle. Don’t forget to preheat the oven… to 390°F (200°C)… and place a small bowl of water on the oven rack, which of course will be low, since the panettone is tall, to keep it from drying out, then add the butter and bake the panettone at 390°F (200°C) for 10 minutes, then lower the heat to 375°F (190°C). After 10-15 minutes check if it’s browning too quickly on top, if it is, lower the temperature again; it should bake for one hour in all.
10 min. — 390°F (200°C)
10-15 min. — 375°F (190°C)
35 min. — 350°F (180°C)
Finally our panettone is ready; when you take it out of the oven, let it cool completely and it’s ready to be served, so from Sonia and Giallozafferano happy Christmas, enjoy the panettone and see you next videorecipe!

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