Peperonata ( stewed bell peppers ) Italian recipe

The peperonata is a savoury side dish which can be served either hot or cold, alone or as a pasta seasoning: try it and choose your favourite way!

Hi everyone and welcome to our GialloZafferano kitchen. Today we’ll be making a palatable and easy side dish: the sautéed sweet peppers or peperonata.
You can use the peperonata also to make some tasty cànapes or, why not, as a pasta seasoning. But let’s see what ingredients we’ll need:
• 14 oz (400 g) of canned peeled tomatoes or tomato puree
• 6 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
• Salt / pepper
• 10 oz (300g) of onions
(if you can find them, Tropea onions are better for their delicate taste)
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 2 pounds of yellow, red and green peppers

So let’s prepare our peperonata:
First, peel and cut into strips both onions and peppers. As you can see, I’ve preferred to cut the onions lengthwise into 8 pieces, in this way, then I’ve separated the strips and now I’m going to put them in a saucepan with the oil and the garlic, which I’ve cut into quarters. You can also decide to smash it, or cut it into bigger pieces so that you can remove or leave them, as you prefer.
Now, add the onions and let them simmer on a low flame for at least 20 minutes, so that they get soft without browning.
With regard to the peppers, you have to cut and open them, remove the seeds and the strings inside, and then cut them into strips less than 1 inch wide.
20 min. — low heat
As you can see, the onion has got soft without browning. I’ve grouped the garlic together on this side because I’m going to remove it, but if you like you can choose to leave it in the saucepan.
Now, add the peppers and let them simmer on a low flame until they get nice and soft, too.
30 min. — low heat
I’ve let the peppers simmer on a low flame for about half an hour. Now that they’re nice and soft, add some salt… stir well… after that we’ll add the tomato puree or the canned peeled tomatoes.
All we have to do now is wait 10 minutes so that the tomato puree will thicken a little bit.
10 min. — low heat
Mmmh our fragrant and colourful peperonata is ready.
From Sonia and GialloZafferano… bye bye and see you next videorecipe!

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