Piadina flatbread – original Italian recipe

A quick flatbread recipe from the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. From GialloZafferano, Italy’s #1 food website.
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Hi GialloZafferano viewers. Today we’ll leap over to Emilia Romagna to make Piadina. The Piadina is a traditional flatbread from the region and can be used as a substitute for bread. This flatbread is made of flour, lard, and milk or water. According to the Romagnola recipe, the bread can be cooked on a cast iron pan or on heated terracotta plates. Then it can be filled with cheeses, meats or vegetables. Let’s see what we’ll need:
• 4 cups of flour
• 1/3 of a cup of lard which you can substitute with an equal amount of oil • 6 and ½ oz of milk or water
• Just under a half tbsp of salt
• Half a tsp of baking soda
Let’s make our piadine.
Begin by putting the flour into a large bowl. Create an indentation into which you can put the lard, the salt and the baking soda. Now add the milk which should be at room temperature. You can also use water at this point, or a mixture of the two. Add it a little at a time, and work it all together. When all the ingredients have come together, you can knead the dough on a worktop.
Here’s the dough ready to be kneaded out on the worktop until it’s smooth. Once it’s properly kneaded, let it rest in a bowl covered with plastic wrap in a cool place for at least a half an hour.
Once your dough has rested take it and divide it into four equal pieces. At this point, on a lightly floured surface, work the piece until it’s round, and then roll it out. You’ll be looking to form a disc of about 10 inches in diameter with a thickness of a little less than a quarter inch.
Once you’ve rolled out the 4 discs, put a cast iron pan on the stove to heat up well. Once it’s good and hot, put your first disc in. The flatbread should cook for one to two minutes each side. Poke the bread with a fork to create little holes which will allow the inside of the bread to cook as well. When the first side is cooked, take a long spatula or bread knife and flip the bread. If bubbles begin to form, press them down with the backside of a fork.
And here are our piadine ready to be served filled with cheese, meat, or vegetables. From Sonia at GialloZafferano, bye and see you next video recipe.

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