B-vitamins have been shown in clinical studies to have a wide range of benefits in mood, memory, mental clarity, and energy. Norwegian researchers found that people with excessive levels of the amino acid homocysteine in their blood were more likely to suffer from depression. Folate, one of the B-vitamins, helps keep blood levels of homocysteine at a healthy level, therefore reducing the risk of depression. Research has also shown that B vitamins help antidepressants work effectively. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, was shown in clinical studies to improve mood, memory, and reaction time as well as increase energy. For people who feel sluggish, fatigued, or tired due to depression, Thiamine could be of help.
Green, leafy vegetables are a great source of several of the B-vitamins. They make a great addition to vegetable combinations turned into juice using a juicer at home. Why juice at home? When fruits and vegetables are cut up or peeled, they begin to lose nutrients the longer that they are exposed to air and light. This means that store-bought juice that has been processed, shipped, and put on display for a period of time in the store is not as nutrient-dense as juice made from whole fruits and vegetables at home. By making juice at home using a juicer, you up the benefits derived from the healthful components of juice. Juicing can help those interested in packing more nutrients, such as the B-vitamins, into their diet and have a huge impact on physical and mental well-being.

A lot of people think that they don’t like the taste of vegetables. Juicing is a good way to get those vegetables into the daily diet, and by adding a base of apples or pears along with the vegetables, a flavorful recipe can be created to help those with an aversion to the taste. The following recipe is a great way to pack in the vitamins and keep the flavor. The possible combinations are endless.

Best juices for fat loss.

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