Rompope – Mexican Eggnog

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This eggnog recipe is actually a Mexican drink called Rompope. It resembles traditional eggnog in its flavor but it is a little more yellow. It is smooth and silky and absolutely delectable.

Here is what you need for this delicious Rompope recipe –

4 cups whole milk
1 cup sugar
Pinch baking soda
1 whole cinnamon stick
8 egg yolks
½ cup rum
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Place the milk, sugar, baking soda and cinnamon stick in a pan and bring it to a soft boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes — making sure you don’t let the milk overflow.
If it starts rising to the top simply blow into the pot and it will recede. The milk will reduce and that is fine.

Place a bowl in an ice bath.

Now let’s temper the yolks. Place them into a heatproof bowl and whisk them lightly. Very slowly ladle about a cup of the hot milk into your bowl, whisking continuously. This will bring the egg yolks to a high temperature without cooking them. This process is important as it will now thicken the eggnog.

Add the tempered egg yolks to the pot with milk and mix well. Simmer it, stirring constantly, until it thickens slightly. Immediately pour the milk into the bowl in the ice bath. Discard the cinnamon and whisk in the rum and vanilla. Allow the Rompope to cool down. Go ahead and strain it if you have little pieces of cinnamon in the milk or if you have some pieces of egg.

Chill your Rompope completely, serve and enjoy. Salud!

Print your recipe here –

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