Sandwiched champignon mushrooms – recipe

If you are looking for a creative, no-cook appetizer idea, this is the recipe for you: two champignon mushrooms joined together by a creamy cheese filling with various flavors! Find this and many more recipes with pictures on the Giallozafferano App (in English)


Firstly, prepare the filling: divide the ricotta cheese into two separate bowls, add the grated parmesan cheese to both of them, chop some black pitted olives and some sun-dried tomatoes in oil. Chop the olives as well. Add a pinch of white pepper and mix well. And a pinch of salt, too. The first filling is ready! After toasting the pine nuts, roughly chop with a knife. Chives, rosemary needles and a few sage leaves. A pinch of white pepper, a pinch of salt and mix well. If the mixture is too dry, you can add a bit of cream. Here’s the second filling, move on to the mushrooms!
The mushrooms will be sandwiched together, so the caps should be similar in size; twist the stems off of each mushroom, like this, but don’t throw them away: you can make a pasta sauce by sautéing garlic and stems in olive oil. Remove the outer skin with a paring knife in this way, pulling it off, then gently scrape out the gills with the tip of the knife. Continue until all the mushrooms are used up.
Here we are, the mushroom caps are all cleaned. Make sure you have removed any dirt, it’s very important. Now I’m ready for filling: I put the fillings in pastry bags, as you can see, for a neater result. Here’s my first sandwich! Fill all the caps alternating between the fillings. And while I’m assembling my sandwich mushrooms, let’s see together the ingredients needed for this recipe.

Sandwiched champignon mushrooms
For 12 pieces
24 champignon (button) mushrooms
less than 1 cup (200 g) of cow’s milk ricotta
just under ½ cup (40 g) of grated parmesan cheese
4 sun-dried tomatoes in oil
8 black pitted olives
2 ⅓ tbsp (20 g) of pine nuts
a few rosemary needles
2 sage leaves
a few chive stems
1 pinch of salt
ground white pepper, to taste

Aren’t they lovely? The sandwiched champignon mushrooms are great as an appetizer or finger food. Cook it yourself and let me know how it went!

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