The Natural Energiser

Our first juice of the day is the delicious The Natural Energiser!

Creamy, sweet and mellow pineapple juice is the perfect balance to the mineral rich juice from the cucumber, spinach, sugar snap peas and courgette. This juice is then taken to the next level by adding a hint of fennel and a dash of zesty lime.

Not only is this juice creamy and delicious, but unlike the array of artificial energizer drinks (that ultimately rob your body of nutrients, cause stress to your vital organs and send you on a roller coaster of refined sugar energy highs and lows) this juice will energize you the natural way — say “high” to nature!


1/4 pineapple
1 large handful of spinach
1/4 cucumber
1/2 courgette
1cm chunk of fennel
15 sugar snap peas
1/2 lime (with the skin on)

How to create

Simply Juice all the ingredients and pour over ice.

I was unsure what to expect having never juiced fennel before, but this juice is delicious. Definitely one I will be making again after the 5 day program.

This recipe is from Jason’s latest book 5lbs in 5 days which is also available as an App – click on the link below to download a copy….

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