What Is Probiotics – What do they do for immunity – Saturday Strategy


What is probiotics?

Deep in the heart of your stomach lies 100 trillion bacteria cells. Some of them have your best interest at hand, others don’t like you. Period.

Peter Patho

“Sugar, Sugar…. where is the sugar? SUGAR!” – Pathogenic bacterias (bad guys).

Sugar is one of the primary foods that these little Mcnasties like to consume.

Inside…. a war is going on.

Make it your daily drewdilligence to feed your allies what they need to defend the intestinal fort. This fort holds the key to 80% of your immune systems health.

If you are like most smart people we coach you will want to give good prebiotics to these friends. Prebiotics are the food that the good ones need to thrive in a world of uncertainty.

The problem with the Sad American Diet (SAD) is that when we eat processed foods or foods that contain a lot of sugar, we are feeding the pathogenic bacterias in our digestive system. This leads to obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, and make us susceptible to the common cold.

Often when we get morbidly sick, we start taking antibiotics that goes off like a bomb! This destroys both the good and bad bacterias in our stomach.

Want great health that gives you endless energy and zeal for life? Yes. Then focus on healing your gut. 80% of your immune system comes from your gut!

Crazy right?

Also, the appendix is not a useless organ; it actually incubates probiotics [Tweet This!] You know, the good bacteria that gives you the kind of great health you are looking for.

Over the past few years ND’s, MD’s, Integrative practitioners and a whole host of other health professionals have been preaching for the world to HEAL THEIR GUTS! I’ve recently read the book, “The Second Brain” by Michael Gershon and found a lot of information that you must know.

In this weeks video we talk a little bit about it and give you some foods that you can start eating to heal up.

Before you know what kinds of foods you should eat.

Let us introduce you to what’s inside your stomach..

Benny – The Good Bacteria

Meet your friend Good Bacteria Benny (Probiotic).

What does he do? He helps the body’s immune system by fighting off the bad bacteria, and plays a major role in the digestive tract. Please keep Benny strong by taking prebiotics like kombucha, kimchi, pickled garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), and Green Vibrance.

Ingredients for the Tea:

Marshmallow Root (1/2 teaspoon – 1 teaspoon)
Slippery Elm Root (1/2 teaspoon – 1 teaspoon)
Dandelion Tea
Dash of Cinnamon

Boil hot water. Insert Dandelion Tea bag into hot water.
Transport the tea into the blender.
Add the marshmallow root and slippery elm root in the blender.
Blend and Serve.



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